How to “Properly” Tan
Digital Storyboard
A five-step digital storyboard conveying the irony behind tanning, a "leisure" activity which is tedious in reality. There is irony in tanning as it is tedious for people to flip from front to back constantly. A subtle, more hidden addition to my piece is a man in the back cooking bacon to correspond to the tanning steps. Like a pan must be greased in preparation for bacon, the girl sprays sunscreen on her body to start tanning. She then lays down until the timer goes off to flip to her back. Moreover, I took a humorous approach for the final step to convey how often people are drained from the heat and sweat on their bodies when they finish tanning.
I challenged myself to incorporate irony into a five-step design.
Using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I created the characters and developed the scenes on 5 separate Adobe Illustrator art boards.
To create depth, using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I distorted different textures and layered different colors onto my subjects.